Privacy Policy


The INVENIAM brand, registered in the Paris Trade and Companies Register B 828 898 650, collects personal data as part of its professional activity.

When you visit our website, we may collect personal data about you. For any question relating to the processing of personal data, the persons concerned can send an e-mail specifying their request to

Processing methods and purposes

The data processed by the INVENIAM brand is collected, recorded, and stored in accordance with the provisions of the law relating to data processing, files, and freedoms of 6 January 1978, as well as with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

The data collected corresponds to the information that you send us on the contact forms accessible online, or via the cookies deposited on your browser when you visit our site. In the context of our activity as a transformation consultancy, we also have access to data related to your professional activity.

The processing of this data is necessary to provide the services mentioned on our website. It enables us to respond to the requests you have made of us.

Duration of conservation

The data is kept for the time necessary to provide the services offered by the INVENIAM brand. The data is kept for the duration of the contract that binds us and for a period of three months after the termination of your contract.

If you are not yet a customer, your data is kept for a period of 3 years from the date on which you questioned us and visited our site, to enable us to better answer your questions if you ask us again. The data is then archived and can only be restored in the event of a dispute, for the duration of the legal prescription.

Exercise of rights

Each person concerned has the right to access, modify, rectify, delete and, where applicable, port personal data concerning him or her, in accordance with the provisions of the law relating to information technology, files and freedoms of 6 January 1978 in its version in force on the date hereof, and in accordance with Community regulations.

The right of access, modification, rectification, and deletion provided for in the previous paragraph may be exercised by contacting the following email address:

When the request for access, modification, rectification, or deletion is addressed to INVENIAM in its capacity as a subcontractor of the data collected by a customer, INVENIAM applies the terms and conditions provided by the customer, subject to their compliance with the applicable regulations and their prior communication.

In the event of difficulty in connection with the management of his or her personal data, the person concerned has the right to lodge a complaint with the CNIL or with any competent supervisory authority.


Cookies and tracers may be automatically installed on your browser or terminal when you access our site or application. A cookie is an element that does not allow a person to be identified but is used to record information relating to the person's navigation on the website.

What cookies are likely to be installed when you visit our site or application ?

In our case, we use cookies and trackers to help you navigate our site, and to offer you services that are better adapted to your requests by knowing your navigation habits. Cookies also allow us to have statistical tools on the use of our site to improve it regularly.

How long do cookies last ?

There are two types of cookies: session cookies and persistent cookies. Session cookies are created temporarily in the sub-folder of your browser when you visit a website. Once you leave the site, the session cookie is deleted.

Persistent cookie files remain in the sub-folder of your browser and are reactivated once you visit the website that created that specific cookie. A persistent cookie remains in the browser's sub-folder for the duration defined in the cookie file. In general, the validity period of a cookie is 13 months maximum.

Can I refuse the deposit of cookies on my computer ?

You are not obliged to accept the deposit of cookies on your terminal. However, we cannot guarantee the same user experience if you delete the cookies.

How do I set and delete cookies ?

You can disable cookies via the Browsers, here are the links:

For Internet Explorer:
For Safari:
For Chrome:
For Firefox:
For Opera:

This configuration differs on a mobile terminal or tablet.
For iOS:
For Android:
For Blackberry:
For Windows Phone:

Finally, it is possible to configure the Terminal's browser so that it sends a code indicating to websites that you do not wish to be tracked. This option is commonly called "Do Not Track".
For Internet Explorer:
For Safari:
For Chrome:
For Firefox:
For Opera:

Please note, however, that the browser settings may change over time

Contact Details

Zied Kelboussi

Owner: INVENIAM - 92 Avenue des Champs Elysées 75008 Paris France